Abundant Life Tarot Academy, Deck Collection

What is On My Tarot and Oracle Deck Wishlist as of August 2023

My deck wishlist has grown to a whopping 24! I used to only manage to keep about 2 to 3 decks on the wishlist when I was in my waxing phase of my collecting. Now that I am not buying as many decks, the wishlist has grown, yet I still aim to be quite discerning on what I ultimately add to the collection.

Some honorable mentions not included in this video, but are hanging out in my Amazon cart are:
✨The Unfolding Path Tarot
✨Rebel Heart Tarot
✨Fifth Spirit Tarot
✨Dream Ritual Oracle Cards

Do you keep a deck wishlist? What is on it at the moment? What has hung out on your wishlist, but you then ultimately decided to take it off the list? Share in the comments section!!

Abundant Life Tarot 🌺